Tech Superwomen Summit – a conversation about data and culture for everyone

Tech Superwomen Summit Launches


First ‘Tech Superwomen Summit’ To Be Held January 29, 2015 In San Francisco

Conference seeks to address inequality and diversity of women in the tech workplace using data as its underpinnings for change

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Sept. 3, 2014 – Conference organizers of the Tech Superwomen Summit (TSWS) today announced it is holding its inaugural Tech Superwomen Summit on January 29, 2015 in San Francisco at the Mission Bay Conference Center. The TSWS is committed to helping uncover the forces that are hindering women’s mobility in the tech workplace and offering a venue for discussing ways to overcome these challenges.

This event will synthesize the mood of the country on tech, diversity and inclusion as well as articulate the need for a better, sharper dialogue that combines culture and data toward a better path forward,” said Cathryn Posey, Tech Superwomen founder. “The Tech Superwomen Summit will bring together influential women and men in technology, executives and leaders, as well as students and young professionals for a breakthrough inaugural event that is all about creating positive change.”

According to several recent studies1, Posey says only three percent of tech startups are led by women; only nine percent of CIOs are female (and this number has actually decreased over the past two years); and, 56 percent of women leave technical jobs by mid-career – an attrition rate that is double that of men’s. Posey said, “This is an important topic and something I am passionate about. It is time the community comes together to take action to make the tough decisions that will lead to positive change for the future.”

Data as the Underpinning

The Tech Superwomen Summit is a unique event that uses data as the starting point to explore the cultural underpinnings behind statistics – for a real look at the roadblocks that are driving inequity as well as roadmaps that are paving the way for a better future.


By augmenting existing studies with original research, the TSWS data visualization project will serve as a touchstone each year – documenting what’s empowering as well as hindering women’s mobility in the tech sector.

“Using and sharing findings from the data collected is a powerful change agent,” noted Alicia Castillo Holley, CEO and Founder, Wealthing® Institute and one of the data project advisors for TSWS. “By establishing a benchmark this first year, we can gauge the progress we are making and use the data and analysis to help shape our progress toward positive change.”

Knowledge Experts and Sponsors Will Contribute

TSWS will offer attendees a stellar program line-up – comprised of top leaders (men and women) in their respective fields. There will be a number of provocative keynote presentations from well-known industry and political leaders, along with fireside chats and birds-of-a-feather conversations with some of the most influential women and men in technology and science.

“It is a privilege to speak at TSWS,” said Fission Strategy CEO and Co-founder Cheryl Contee. “The opportunity to share knowledge and best practices in a collaborative setting to create a more balanced, more future-forward workplace is critical for the tech community. I look forward to being a part of this important initiative.”

“Diversity in the tech world is core to what our industry is about,” said Jez Humble, Award Winning author and VP at Chef. “Tech stands for innovation, pushing for what you believe in and creating an identity that is inclusive. The Tech Superwomen Summit demonstrates these principles and diversity and equality for all. I am honored to speak at this conference and be part of this necessary change for our industry.”

About Tech Superwomen Summit

The Tech Superwomen Summit is a one-of-a-kind event that uses findings from research to help shape the path toward greater mobility of women within the tech industry. It brings together influential women and men in technology, executives and leaders, as well as students and young professionals for a breakthrough event. For more information or to register, visit

1Only 3% of tech startups are led by women, according to a recent study by the Kauffman foundation.

Harvey Nash Group found that in 2012 only 9% of U.S. chief information officers (CIOs) are female, down 3% in two years.

56% of women leave technical jobs by mid-career, an attrition rate that is double that for men, according to the Harvard Business School.

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