Thank you!
Last week hundreds of women (and men!) in STEM and design related fields gathered in SF for an incredibly dynamic and memorable event (#TSWS15 was a top trend on Twitter!) — we can’t thank you enough for attending and helping drive the conversation for change forward!
Watch and Share
The videos and photos from the summit are live, watch and view your favorite moments. Be sure to check out the social conversation on Eventifer.
Extra Extra
We’re proud to be featured in Mashable, Inc, Daily Dot, Wired and Forbes!
We’re proud to be featured in Mashable, Inc, Daily Dot, Wired and Forbes!
- Mashable: Diversity in tech takes center stage at ‘Superwomen Summit’
- Inc: 3 Surprising Theories on the Lack of Women in Tech
- Daily Dot: Why one 11-year-old wants to teach other girls to code
- Wired: Why Diversity in Tech Is Critical to Its Success
- Forbes: The Tech Women Facing Tough Challenge Will Do It Anyway
- Microsoft: Tech Superwomen Summit Tackles the Tough Issues
Don’t forget to claim your free eBook from O’Reilly and redeem your one free Breather meeting hour with promo code: TSWS15.
Special Recognition
My summit partner, Joe Lazzaretti, and I would like to thank our strategic partners:
- Sonia Russell World Meetings By Sonia
- Johnny and Kelly Good: Good Company Communications
- Bethanie Hines Bethanie Hines Photography
- Patricia Posey Social Media and Community Strategist
- Rolando Brown Grow
- Terri Douglas Catapult PR
And a very big thank you to our sponsors!
Cathryn Posey
Tech Superwomen Founder