That drive our ambitions, speak to our aspirations.
I started thinking about all of the amazing women from various facets of the Tech Industry who I’ve come to know primarily via Twitter.
They embody this concept – that our power is strengthened when we foster and invest in supporting and championing each other. These women are using social media tools every day to intensify connections and pay it forward (no matter where they are in their career).
What, I wondered, would happen if you put all of these community-minded tech supernovas and emerging stars in a room to discuss the challenges and opportunities for women in technology?
A hashtag was born.
I was off running to create a tweet-up at SXSW 2011 where women could meet, build and network.
To witness the conversations and connections that took place at the first annual Tech By Superwomen Tweet-up was incredible. It was clear that we need more spaces (online and IRL) to discuss, share, celebrate and connect.
And so, I’m launching this blog.
My aspirations for this blog is to be a platform to highlight the diverse voices and perspectives of women, both emerging and established, who tech.
So join us, contribute your voice, ideas and aspirations.
There has never been a better time to be a woman in the tech industry – turn up your anthem to full blast and #Answerthecall.